Craig Cochrane from Ayrshire has been using Axcelera-C on his calves and has reported a vast improvement in the quality of his heifer calves.
He has been offering Axcelera-C at a rate of 150g/h/d from day 3 to weaning, supplementing his skimmed milk replacer program which he has not changed.
The benefits he has seen are:
- A reduction in scours
- Reduced issue with mortality
- Increased intake of muesli starter feed
- At weaning, calves are consuming more solid feed overall
- Elimination of the 10 day post-weaning check
- Better frame and confirmation of calves
Summarising his experiences, Craig commented, "My calves are much healthier and the rearing period much more successful. I am very pleased with the effect of Axcelera-C and am seeing a great improvement in my heifers".