Farm trials show that Optipartum-C+ can improve early, mid and late lactation performance on individual cows.
Cows typically take 3 weeks to respond.
Optipartum-C+ added to the ration in a 250 cow herd
Cows at different stages of lactation showed a positive response
Arrows indicate when Optipartum-C+ was added to the ration. 40 days prior to lactation curve being analysed.
Dung analysis sampled from numbered cows pre and post OptiPartum-C+ was added to the ration showed a significant reduction in starch.
Adding Optipartum-C+ to the ration enables the cow to digest starch and fibre more efficiently.
Dung samples were removed from individually numbered cows before adding OptiPartum-C+ and 30 days after adding the product.
The table below clearly shows how Optipartum-C+ reduces the starch excreted by cows - delivering extra milk volume.
Starch content of dung samples (%). DM basis | ||||
Pre trial | Post trial | Reduction | % reduction | |
Cow 1 | 3.47 | 2.29 | -1.18 | -34% |
Cow 2 | 4.65 | 2.14 | -2.51 | -54% |
Cow 3 | 2.77 | 1.14 | -1.63 | -59% |
Cow 4 | 3.85 | 2.27 | -1.58 | -41% |
Cow 5 | 2.37 | 1.91 | -0.46 | -19% |
Cow 6 | 3.24 | 1.11 | -2.13 | -66% |
Mean | 3.39 | 1.81 | -1.58 | -46% |
Ration starch: 19.1%
Average starch in dung prior to Optipartum-C+: 3.39%
Average starch in dung 30 days after Optipartum-C+: 1.81%
Starch excretion reduced by 46%
The improved starch digestion on this farm delivered an extra 2 litres of milk
Farmers see their fresh cows peak higher 40 days after adding Optipartum-C+
20% starch in diet.
On day 40 he reported only a 0.5l average improvement in yield.
Farmer then reported a significant jump in overall yield after 40 days
Milk records show volume increase due to fresh cows peaking higher
Addition of Optipartum-C+ to the ration increased milk yield and overall solids collected
Optipartum-C+ added on the red line, during the heatwave of summer 2018
300+ cows
18% starch in ration
(Change to silage and ration 31st July)

The addition of Optipartum-C+ to the ration increases and extends the lactation significantly across all cows.
A 200 milking cow unit in Bulgaria (Borjana Zlatanova, Jeljazno) used OC+ for an initial 30 day evaluation.
- 200 milking cows
- 200g/h/day OC+ added
- 34% starch diet
Average yield increased from 29 litres to 31 litres.
When comparing cows at the same stages of lactation pre and post using OC+, the positive impact was seen across all stages of lactation.